Some New laws of Note in Illinois....

Saw an article on the Huffington Post the other day detailing some new laws our hardworking legislators in Springfield managed to get on the books.

Here is a link to the Huff Post article. Wanted to point out some of the more important ones…

3D Mammographies now covered by insurance –

Senate Bill 54 – adds 3D mammographies to scans covered by insurance. Tomosynthesis – also known as 3D mamograms – takes a multidimensional view of the breast during screening. And importantly, 3D mammograms have a higher success rate of detecting cancerous cells. SB 54 amends the insurance code by adding 3D mammograms to the list of low dose mammogramss that are covered by insurance. Effective 7-1-16.

Discounts for Veterans –

House Bill 366 – a proposal sponsored by Sate Senator Steve Stadelman to create a discount program for veterans living in Illinos became law on 8-17-15. Now the 722,000 Illinois veterans can receive discounts at participating businesses.

Adoption becomes just a bit easier –

House Bill 3079 – makes the adoption process a little less stressful. Under the old law, a state employee had to approve the adoption of a foreign child – even though the federal government had already done so. HB 3079 does away with the State approval requirement and streamlines other parts of the process. The new law is already on the books.