Creepy guy picks absolutely wrong jogger to grope.

This creepy guy picked the wrong jogger to grope.

This really has little if any relation to the law, but it certainly brightened my morning. Last week a woman was jogging on a popular jogging trail on the North Side of Pittsburgh. Without warning a man attacked, grabbed the woman’s rear end and pulling her pants down before running off. The woman in question[who has not been named] also happened to be a U.S. Marshall. She was not about to put up with that nonsense. She immediately ran after the creep, identifying herself as a U.S. Marshall and yelling for other joggers to call 911. It should be noted the woman was significantly smaller than the creep.

The Marshall eventually cornered the guy, now identified as Robert Flynn in a nearby stairwell. Flynn then allegedly charged at the Marshall. Bad idea. That was his second bad idea of the day. She promptly kicked him in the groin and punched him in the face. Flynn then apparently gave up and waited for police to arrive. He is currently in custody, facing multiple charges including aggravated and indecent assault. The Marshall suffered a minor injury to her finger while fighting with Flynn. I have attached a link to the story here

Justice has been served.

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