Pretty low, if the allegations made by an Atlanta couple prove to be true. Bill and Leandra Pitts, the couple in question, were injured in a 2004 auto accident. According to an recent article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the insurance company involved, Progressive Insurance, established a new low while “investigating” the claims made by Mr. and Mrs. Pitts. According to the article, investigators for Progressive snuck into the Pitts’ church in August of 2005, posing as prospective members. Then they slimed their way into a private confessional meeting at a church member’s home, hoping to overhear a damaging admission from the Pitts about the auto case. After the Pitts learned of Progressive’s tactics, they filed a lawsuit claiming invasion of privacy and fraud. Progressive’s President and CEO, Glenn Renwick issued a statement acknowledging that the story appeared to have merit and apologizing for the actions of the investigators. Interestingly, Renwick’s statement didn’t mention what disciplinary action, if any, were taken against the investigators in question.