Nursing Home Litigation
According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, there are over 1,200 long term health care facilities located in the Illinois, serving over 100,000 full time residents, most of whom are 65 years of age or older. Under the provisions of the Illinois Nursing Home Act, residents are entitled to enjoy quality treatment, free of abuse or neglect. And despite regular, annual inspections, injuries and abuse still occur in Illinois nursing homes on an alarmingly frequent basis. Residents are dropped to the floor during bed or bathroom transfers. Poor or non-existent nursing care allows a small bedsore to develop into a life-threatening ulcer. Careless respiratory treatments cut off oxygen and result in permanent brain damages. These are just some of the unfortunate scenarios family members have described to me in actual cases that I have litigated.
I have seen the devastating impact that can result when nursing home personnel fail to honor their responsibilities to their patients. If you wish to discuss a nursing home lawsuit with me, please give my Chicago office a call at your convenience.