I recently did an analysis of my web presence – specifically my weblog[which you are currently reading] and my website[which is dated and boring and badly needs updating]. I decided to revamp my website. The company overseeing that project advised that they could port over my blog to the website and save me some money in the process. My contract with the company that currently hosts my blog calls for me to provide 60 days notice of termination, which I did. They were very nice and professional[and have been throughout]. During our brief discussion, they mentioned that my blog drew 1200 views in March, 2011. 1200!!! According to my math, that is nearly 40 views a day. And I haven’t been exactly killing myself adding new content. Coincidentally, got a very nice note last week from a Chicago-area lawyer who indicated he regularly reads my blog. I am also happy to report that I am involved in settlement discussions in the first case where I was retained after the client stumbled over my blog. And last week got a call out of the blue from a potential client[who was very tech savvy] who was was looking for assistance on a fraud case and called me after reading some blog entries. So is there value to regular substantive blogging? Unequivocally yes. People are reading blogs – hell, it appears lots of people are at least taking a look at this blog. Has my blog resulted in boatloads of new clients? No, not yet anyway. But that wasn’t my expectation – at least not in the short-term. I am taking a long-term view on this. And, in the long-term, I am confident that a very healthy percentage of my clients will be generated via this blog.